For Max, improving came about through determined practice and thought. Dreaming of playing high goal polo drove him to practice and ride for long hours, study top players and ask them questions. Understanding how progress happens himself and the steps and efforts that are required, are what best equip Max to help other players.

Max’s emphasis is always on technique. After years of experience with some of polo’s greats, including Memo Gracida, Eduardo Heguy, and Julian Hipwood, he formulated his own technique through sheer practice. Because of this he is able to relate to pupils, see their constraints, and clearly articulate the most effective practices to unshackle them and move them forward.

As a teacher, Max is constantly striving to improve, to be able to relate to an ever widening range of students. Having gone from a high goal environment to a lower goal level has required a tempering, but the desire to push pupils as he’s pushed himself is something he doesn’t want to extinguish and he has a determination to improve others of all levels that is both sincere and irrepressible.

For the last two years Max has been one of six people teaching clinics nationwide for the USPA. He has also been asked to help the USPA formulate their criteria for their brand new, USPA coaching certification program. He is honored to know he will be one of the first honorary certified coaches in the country.

Max is the rare blend of professional player and coach. He is one of our top clinicians.

Chris Bowman

Executive Director, USPS POLO Development LLC